Once you have signed up for a free account and confirmed your email address via the link sent in confirm email, you will be assigned an API token. You can find your token in the Account section. We have purposefully designed the API to be flexible enough to accept the API token in two different ways:
1) As a URL Parameter
2) In the Authentication Header of the API call
The first method to pass your token is via the auth_token argument parameter.
Using curl and the csv2json conversion as an example, this would look like below except with your actual token instead of [YOUR TOKEN]:
curl -X POST "https://www.convertcsv.io/api/v1/csv2json/?auth_token=[YOUR TOKEN]" -F "infile=@myinputfile.csv"
This method resembles what you will find on each of the product pages documentation examples.
The token goes into the Authorization Header like so:
Using curl and the csv2json conversion as an example, this would look like:
curl -X POST "https://www.convertcsv.io/api/v1/csv2json" -F "infile=@myinputfile.csv" -H "Authorization: Token [YOUR TOKEN]"
Make sure you use your actual token instead of [YOUR TOKEN] in the curl statement. Also make sure you protect the secrecy of your token so others cannot use it.